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Established Blockchain Journal Soundcloud Channel

Basically, the plan here is to make sure that all of our audio (audio that's only recorded as audio OR audio that comes from the videos we shoot) are available as both podcasts and "play-in-place" audio players that we can embed on our pages in the same way that we embed YouTube videos. So, the first thing we did was establish our "root" podcast account with Soundcloud offers:

  • An embeddable audio player (which can be observed in action here, under the heading "Audio Only Podcast")
  • The ability to distribute our audio along with all the podcast meta data to other podcast applications including Apple Podcast, Google Podcasts, Spotify podcasts, etc.

Now that we have that in place, we can set those other podcasts channels up, "wire" them into our Soundcloud account, and then we can start promoting access to our audio from pretty much anywhere.

By {"title":"david.berlind","link":""}February 1, 2023
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